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RFID flexible anti metal tag report(2)——The future development trend of RFID tags


With the widespread application of RFID tags, the requirements for RFID tags are becoming higher and higher, resulting in long distance RFID tags, RFID label anti metal, waterproof RFID tag and so on. Judging from the usage and effect feedback of various tags, RFID flexible anti metal tag clearly occupies a leading position in all aspects. But at the same time, there are also more expectations for RFID flexible anti metal tag, and the requirements are getting higher and higher. It is obvious that the future development trend of RFID tags is:

1. Miniaturization of size

If the tag needs to have a long reading distance and good reading effect, the requirements for the antenna will be very high, and the size of the tag needs to be larger. With the development of technology, RFID label anti metal with small size and stable performance will become mainstream. Early RFID label anti metal was often too large in size, which was not conducive to the expansion of application fields. With the development of smart manufacturing and smart medical care, the market demand for high-performance miniaturized RFID label anti metal is gradually increasing. This foam sticker RFID tag is suitable for comprehensive management of small and micro metal devices. There is huge market prospect for the comprehensive management, identification and traceability of small and micro metal devices, such as medical devices, metal tools, aerospace, etc.


2. Tags’ flexibility

Common anti metal RFID tag, such as PCB RFID tag and ceramic RFID tag, are relatively hard in texture and cannot be bent or folded. They can only be applied to relatively flat surfaces. The strength of the material itself prevents it from achieving the anti-tamper function, so it is often recycled, cannot meet the market demand for tamper proof RFID tag. The tamper proof RFID tag with a flexible structure can not only be bent to adapt to more corner and curved surface applications, but can also achieve anti-tamper function, making up for the shortcomings of hard tags and expanding the application space.


3. Cost compression

RFID hard tags are mainly pcb RFID tags and ceramic RFID tags. The cost of raw materials is high. SMT (surface mount) or COB are mainly used for packaging. The manufacturing cost is still high, especially for the subsequent coding and writing. Personalization work is difficult to carry out in batches, and performance can usually only be tested one by one. The detection is difficult, and product consistency will also be affected to a certain extent. These factors lead to high overall costs and affect the large-scale application of such tags. The raw material of the RFID flexible on metal lables is foam, so it is also often called RFID foam tag, which is low cost and suitable for roll and mass production. Since the raw material cost of RFID flexible on metal lables can be relatively low, it can be rolled to roll for mass production, which directly reduces the difficulty of subsequent personalization and quality inspection, and the cost can be greatly reduced.

Due to the rapid development of the Internet of Things, various new products and new technologies have emerged. In the application process of RFID, the identification of ordinary items has also been extended to the identification of metal items. RFID labels have also been extended from ordinary stickers, PVC, paper and other labels to RFID label anti metal. At present, RFID flexible anti-metal tags are gradually changing in the direction of miniaturization, carrier flexibility, and cost compression. It is believed that RFID flexible anti-metal tags will also be suitable for more diverse application scenarios.


Compared with other RFID tag manufacturers, RTEC’s RFID UHF metal label has the advantages of stable performance, which can be fully customized according to requirements.